Why a Self Care Day is Never Selfish

by Margaux.Le.Gendre
Self Care

We often associate the term self-care with selfishness and therefore won’t pay it much attention. But selfcare is so much more than just looking after our precious self, and here is why you should include it in your routine. 

What is Self Care? 

As the word straight-forwardly says, it is the care of the self. Basically looking after yourself not just in terms of survival, but more in a well-being kind of way. 

Common ideas that come to mind when referring to self-care can be bubble baths, pampering, spa days, going for a run, having your nails done, going to the hairdressers, etc. 

But it would be reducing to only talk about beauty and feeling fabulous. Self care is about feeling rested, re-energised. For some it will be to recover from an illness, a loss, to recentre yourself on what matters to you, to find your health back. 

Believe in yourself, accept that you need something – a day off, a nap, a holiday, some time to sit down – and give yourself the tools to get where you want. 

Self Care - Margaux Le Gendre
Credit: Max van den Oetelaar

Please Don’t Believe You Don’t Need It

Going back to your self care, it’s easy to think you are fine and you don’t need all of this. You can power through as usual and keep being a badass, be great at your job, a good friend, a good mum, a good partner. 

But could you be in need of a little me-time?

The expression of self care has taken more and more space in the recent years, but if you’re anything like me, you might think “I feel great, I don’t need to go the extra mile to take care of me, and I’m definitely not exhausted”. 

That’s my point. You shouldn’t wait until you’re exhausted to look after yourself. Remember what they tell us in the plane, “in case of an emergency, please put your own mask first”. You can’t help others if you’re KO. 

You can’t be present for others if you’re always half asleep, trying to cram as much in your day as possible, relying on cups of coffee to keep going, snacking on processed foods to stay alert, and collapsing on the sofa at then end of the day. 

Self Care - Margaux Le Gendre
Credit: Maddi Bazzocco

Listen to your body. What does it tell you? Think of why suddenly you don’t want to go to work anymore and just catch up with people or your favourite series. Think of why you’d love to see your friends but this Saturday you want to stay in more – again. 

While there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the above, reflect on what brings you joy. Do you like work and doing your best there? Are you dying to see your friends but the couch is calling you? Do you want to eat healthy but “just this once” (or every day) you’ll skip the homemade meal and order a takeaway? 

Once in a while, go ahead and do that. But if you feel like that several times a week, maybe you need to address it. 

Self Care Day, Anyone?

Even when I don’t think I need it, I put reminders in my diary to specifically look after myself, and very cliché, I book myself a massage or I think about how baths relax me. It’s an hour in the month that I can give myself. 

I also have adopted morning habits and have my routine. I wake up, journal for an entire A5 page, meditate for 12-15mn, then move my body.

Eating healthy meals is part of my self care routine, and reading when I can is very important to me. This ensures that I have steady energy for joyful events or work that I love. 

Self Care - Margaux Le Gendre
Credit : Brooke Lark

What is important to you? Is it going to the gym, or for a run? Looking after your children, grandchildren? Spending time with a friend, or surrounded by nature?

So remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup, so look after yourself if you want to be able to help others too. 

For other lifestyle tips, check out my articles on Understanding The Feminine Cycle, and My Daily Skincare Routine.

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