Which Foods Should You Eat for Glowing Skin?

by Margaux.Le.Gendre
Glowing Skin

Having a glowing skin is a dream for a lot of us, whether we want it or want to maintain it. So read on to see how to get your skin glowing with real foods.

So Why Do We a Get Glowing Skin? 

One of the main reasons why we want a naturally beautiful skin is that it is more attractive to everyone. That’s the first thing that you see in the mirror or when meeting with people.

As human beings, we are naturally attracted to “beauty” in general, and while how beauty is defined can change from decade to decade, there are still main facts that are always true. 

Anthropologically, when looking for a mate, you were more attracted to symmetrical faces which symbolised perfection. Or women with large hips because it meant that they’d be great to give birth. 

So when looking at someone’s face – you usually see the face first, not necessarily someone’s back or thighs – the skin reflects their overall state of health. And when it’s smooth and wrinkle-free, it’s a symbol of youth and procreation-readiness. 

It’s no wonder we get a certain glow and shinier hair when we are ovulating as women, we are conditioned to look fabulous to attract a mate !

But more seriously, people who have a healthy and radiant skin usually have got their hormones in good balance. They’re healthy, eat well, sleep enough, exercise, drink water, etc. 

Your skin is one of the largest surfaces in your body, and when something goes wrong and the body needs to evacuate it, it will use its great excipient: your skin ! It is literally inside coming outside. 

So let’s see what we can put INSIDE our body, that will show OUTSIDE of your body. 

Healthy Foods for Healthy Skin

One of the best foods for a great-looking skin is healthy fats. They help fight inflammation such as breakouts, redness, acne, ageing in this context. They help balance your hormones and your blood sugar levels, they help keep your skin firm and moisturised. 

Some of the best healthy fats you can eat are fatty fish, high in omega 3s, avocado, walnuts, nuts and seeds like chia and flax seeds. 

Healthy Fats

Another type of food great for your skin: leafy greens like broccoli, kale, pak choi, spinach, as they fight the ageing process and the free-radicals. It is similar for red grapes which are also fabulous because of the resveratrol, a compound known to fight signs of ageing. 

You will have heard it before but you should literally eat the rainbow. That means that you should eat as many colourful fruit and vegetables as possible. Red and yellow bell peppers, beetroots, sweet potatoes, apples and oranges, mangoes, carrots, citrus fruits. They are full of phytonutrients which help you stay healthy will lots of vitamins and minerals. 

Cacao is also known for helping you keep your skin hydrated. 

Dos But Also Don’ts

It’s great to see how real foods can help us maintain that skin glowing that we love (or dream about) so much, but there are also foods that you should keep out as much as possible. 

The first one is trans fats. Whatever the reason, healthy skin, better sleep, more energy, weight loss, these fats have to go. 

Trans fats are chemical fats, made in a lab and not designed to be absorbed by the body, like MSG and margarine. Unfortunately it’s also the kind that the food industry adds to too many packaged foods to make them more palatable. I’m talking about pastries, cakes, biscuits, ready- and frozen-meals, snacks, ice creams, cured meats. They’re not your friends, especially if you want a radiant skin. 

Try and replace them by selecting real foods and make biscuits and cakes at home. You’ll know exactly what goes into them. 

Home Cooking

An item that has a good reputation but in moderation only: caffeine. One cup a day should do it, and for the rest try herbal teas or real fruit-flavoured water. And the same goes for alcohol, in moderation always when it comes to your skin. 

Another thing you want to avoid in order to lose those redness and acne is sugar. Yep, sugar is never your friend I’m afraid. The white one, the brown or the caster one. Try replacing it with maple syrup, honey, fruits. You can also add more sweet vegetables into your diet like sweet potatoes, carrots, corn, beets, butternut squash. They help you reduce sweet cravings in the long run, and can be used to sweeten cakes. And they’re real foods, not refined ones.

And finally, as much as possible, aim to reduce your intake of high glycemic index foods. They cause sugar spikes in your blood and over time disrupt the insulin which is supposed to regulate the sugar being circulated to the fat cells. When that process doesn’t work properly, the sugar ends up trapped in the fat cells. Not only do you gain weight, but it also provokes skin damage. 

To Be Continued

The bottom line is, our skin is directly impacted by what we put in our body so even if you are careful about the cosmetic products you put on your face, also look into your kitchen. 

I haven’t touched up on external factors other than foods that are good for you but that will be another blog post one day ! I’m referring to the importance of sleep, drinking enough water, changing your pillow cases regularly. Don’t forget wearing sunscreen when out, and reducing your time in front of your screens like the TV and your phone, especially when waking up and before bed. 

Please let me know in the comments if you have a favourite way of looking after your skin that is not mentioned here yet !

Here are recipes that will help you keep your skin radiant and healthy:

Pecan & Cacao Energy Balls with cacao, nuts and seeds;

Gaspacho Verde for the greens and fatty avocado

Easy Taco Salad for all the colourful foods.

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