What Does a Health Coach Do, and Do You Need One?

by Margaux.Le.Gendre
Health Coach

I often get asked what a health coach does, how I work with my clients, and who needs a health coach. I go into details below, and I’m always available to chat if you have any more questions !

What’s a Health Coach? 

A Health Coach (HC) is primarily a coach, which is a person meant to accompany you for a time in your life. The coach is here to motivate you, guide you. They’re here to ask you questions to explore the blocks you have in your life, mindset, lifestyle to help you move forward. 

Ultimately, you want your life to change for the better during and after you’ve worked with a coach. 

Health coaching

When it comes to health coaching, the HC is not a doctor, or a nutritionist. However, they have a good knowledge of how to help you going back to health, using food and lifestyle. 

It’s all about looking at your health holistically, and understanding that everything is connected. From what you eat to how you think, from the relationships you entertain to the work you do (and love, or hate), from how much you sleep you get to the time you spend using your creativity. So many aspects of your life impact you, and therefore your health. 

For example, if you have been stuck in the same job for many years and can’t stand it, you might come home to eat processed foods to comfort you, or drink every night because you “deserve” it.

To be a health coach, I studied with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) for a year. I learnt from the best experts in the health and wellness industry about various topics, like different diets, meditation, nutrition basics. I also learnt how to be a coach, how traditional doctors went on to study functional medicine because there was a gap in their practice, etc. 

One of the main concepts of health coaching is that we are all bio-individuals. We all have a different bio-chemistries, which means that there will never be a specific diet that is good for everyone. 

There are some principles that apply to everybody. Like sodas are not good for you, and vegetables are powerhouses that we need to over use. But we are here to find what you really need. If it’s to focus on more sleep first, or finding an activity that brings you joy. 

Some people are really “healthy” on paper, but are sick because they haven’t addressed the issues that have been tugging at them for years or decades. So we explore that together. 

Peaceful time

How I Work With Clients

When I work with clients, I offer a 3-month program to have time to work on various topics and implement lifestyle changes. It gives the client time to trial a few things before finding what works for them, see results, and be encouraged to keep going. 

The main question is always: what is your BIG dream? What do you want, what do you want to achieve, how do you want to live? 

And then, what is it costing you to stay put, and to remain where you are? 

We all have that image of us somewhere that is 5-10kg lighter, or more energised, more creative, more ambitious. But we stay put. 

By fear of being judged, of failing, of what people will say, by thinking we’re not worthy, not good enough, etc. 

But nothing gets in the way of your big dreams more than yourself ! 

So let me ask you this: 

What would it feel like to still be where you are, a year from now? 

3 years, 10 years from now? 

If you could see the future you and see that you’re still in the same place, how would you feel right now? 

Big dreams

When they’re ready to take action, my clients come to me full of energy, motivation. And you get out of coaching what you put in. If you are willing to really make changes, you will see great results. Because you are taking action. You are ready to shift. 

So we set up objectives and an action plan. And bit by bit, week by week, we find ways to overcome the obstacles that were in your way before. And you smash your goals, like a champion. 

Who Needs a Health Coach

You might be wondering who needs a health coach, because deep down, we all know what to do. We know that we need to eat vegetables, drink more water, not eat the processed foods, spend time outdoors, etc. 

But sometimes you don’t want to be good, because life seems to be throwing a lot of things at you. You want to indulge and make it easy on yourself. 

And trust me, I know, I have been there too. But that’s a story for another time – or check my About page. 

And I know that our brains are wired to go to the easiest task at hand. It wants to protect us. So we need to consciously make choices, and repeat them, so they become habits. 

Healthy habits

When you are tired of lacking energy, of not losing the weight that poisons your life. Tired of not sleeping even when you’re exhausted. When you are ready to say STOP, that’s when you call a health coach to get the support you need. 

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is not easy for everybody, but having a buddy to do it with you, a community of like-minded people, that sets the tone. 

Having a coach by your side is having an accountability partner, someone who’s going to challenge you and to ask you regularly where you are with your goals. Someone who will push you and ask you the uncomfortable questions. 

Are you ready to say STOP, to become your most vibrant self, to lose a few pounds, and know how to keep them off? To sleep better and adopt positive habits? To know what to eat and nourish yourself? 

Book a call with me and we can discuss the possibility of working together. 

For articles about a healthy lifestyle, check out these articles:

Dressings for Every Occasion

7 Reasons Why You Need to Exercise (and It’s Not to Lose Weight)

My 3 Daily Hacks for a More Productive Day

My Easy Step-by-Step Skincare Routine

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