Almond Satay Dressing for Grilled Vegetables (a Game-Changer)

by Margaux.Le.Gendre
Almond Satay Dressing MLG

Do you find that grilled vegetables can be bland and don’t appeal to you? I agree, and I love to drizzle an almond satay dressing on my grilled vegetables to add flavour on a sometimes ordinary (and boring) meal. And when it’s homemade you know exactly what goes into it – no additives and nasty add-ons our food industry loves to sneak into it.

Grandma was right : Eat your Vegetables

Yes, she was right, vegetables are the one thing that we don’t eat enough of, and that we absolutely need. They are essential for immune functions, vitamins, minerals, fight off infections and inflammation, feel good, the list goes on. 

To prepare your vegetables, you can explore the options of steaming, frying, baking, slow-cooking, keeping it raw, and any other methods that I’m not mentioning. 

And sometimes the dressing is all we need to make them palatable – I’ve been there. 

But after hearing “there’s no sauce for the veggies?” one too many times, I decided to innovate a bit and add flavours because broccoli on its own is not really what you crave after finishing work. 

So here is one way to mix things up and make your veggies enjoyable. 

Almond Satay Dressing MLG

Dress to Impress

I love pan-frying vegetables because it’s quick and easy, you don’t need much prep and dinner can be served on the table in less than 20 minutes. 

So to make your dinner stand out, choose the dressing of choice and make lots of it. 

I’m going to stop you right there though, store-bought dressing is anything but healthy most of the time. Reading labels has become a skill that you should start mastering. 

You want to stay away from refined sugar in all its form (high fructose syrup, that’s you), all conservative agents and pesticides, or just ingredients you don’t know how to pronounce. 

When you go homemade, you can choose every single item that goes into your dish, and that’s the path to healthy eating. 

So let’s choose our best ingredients and transform our dish this evening, as well as dazzle our hungry eaters. 

Almond Satay Dressing MLG

Almond Satay Dressing for the Win

You will have heard of the peanut satay we sometimes find on chicken skewers in takeaway options, but I bring you an almond version that will accompany every grilled veggies perfectly. 

What you need for this dressing is a jar to mix it all in, almond butter, ginger paste, soy sauce, maple syrup or honey, apple cider vinegar, Sriracha sauce, and sesame oil. 

When I mix it all in, I tend to taste and adjust depending on what I think it needs. Sometimes I want it a bit more gingery, or spicy with the Sriracha, or nuttier with almond butter. 

Feel free to adjust the quantities to whatever feels best to you, depending on what your vegetables call for. 

Let me know in the comments if you’ve tried it and what your thoughts were. And share with friends so that more people enjoy their vegetables. 

Almond Satay Dressing MLG

If you are looking for dinner recipes that you will love, check out my Rocket and Sweet Potato Salad and my Veg & Noodle Broth.

Almond Satay Dressing MLG

Almond Satay Dressing

I love to drizzle an almond satay dressing on my grilled vegetables to add flavour on a sometimes ordinary (and boring) meal.
Prep Time 5 minutes


  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1 tsp ginger paste
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp Sriracha sauce
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp Tamari


  • Mix it all together in a jar until smooth, and drizzle on your vegetables. 
Keyword Dressing

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