by Margaux.Le.Gendre

Hi ! I’m Margaux, I’m a blogger and a certified Holistic Health Coach. I mentor and inspire busy professionals to be the healthiest and happiest version of themselves by sharing ideas on how to leave a healthier life. I only recommend things that I have tried myself and for which I had good results. 

I love settings goals for myself and this has dramatically changed my life so I like to share my methods with you so you can too reach higher and reap the benefits of change. 

I grew up in France and moved to the UK to study at 24. Even though I thought I knew what was healthy or not, but it turns out I was easily gaining weight and trying to lose it following nutritionists’ advice or mainstream ideas didn’t yield results.

It’s when I started really understanding that health is about more than what you eat or how much you exercise that I found my way to a happier and more exciting life. 

After living in the UK for several years, I am now back in France where I live with my fiance in Paris. Every day I try to do what feels good for me, whether it’s going for a walk in nature, eating more vegetables or making some delicious cake.

I want to help people find their path, explore their potential because we are all gold mines waiting to be discovered sometimes. But “a goal without a plan is just a dream”. 

Margaux Le Gendre

True change comes from lasting habits and commitment, because we are naturally resistant to change. This means that motivation will never be enough. Habits over motivation, that’s my motto ! 

I have adopted the 80/20 diet which is 80% beautiful, natural foods, which are nourishing me and full of good energy (among other things) and 20% of other stuff, that I need or crave sometimes. This means that yes, I will drink a glass of wine if we’re celebrating, and I love to make cakes or buy them at the pâtisserie. I don’t obsess over food like I used to, I just eat what I feel like. I have discovered what it’s like to have food freedom and not wonder about the calories, the immediate link between my food and my waistline, and I eat to feel good.

I don’t believe that there is one universal diet for everyone. I don’t really enjoy meat anymore, but when my mum cooks it at Christmas, I can be tempted. And  I don’t want to lecture people on what they’re eating – unless they’re asking for information 😉 

We are all different and will react in various ways, and the way we eat is highly personal. Someone giving you advice on nutrition when they have no idea of what you are going through or your history might not be doing you a favour. Your body knows best, and deep down you probably know too. 

I have studied many dietary theories at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and believe I can help you find the diet that suits you, forget about counting calories and feel great in your own skin. 

And because not everything is about food, I help people like you reflect on the areas of their lives that contribute to their wellbeing, like their career, sleep levels, relationships, home environment, etc. 

If you are looking to make changes in your life and improve your lifestyle habits but don’t really know where to start, get in touch ! I’d love to meet you and chat about what you want to achieve in more details. It’s important to see if we can be a good fit for each other and work together. Visit my Work with Me page to see what it’s all about. 

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